
A beautiful Plan Better through Intentional, Ritual Play

Business plans get easy peasy when we playfully grease the groove with the powers of ritual and intention woven into our DNA.

More Easy Pieces

A beautiful Unpacking COMPACT Culture

Unpacking COMPACT Culture

COMPACT Culture is the crystalline structure of humanity when fear is its guiding principle.

A beautiful Humans Are Exceptional: A Business Premise

Humans Are Exceptional: A Business Premise

Business presumes that humans are exceptional. So, in all likelihood, during this potentially irreparable plastic bonanza, we simply didn't ask "Why?" very much. As Easeness would have us realize, rather than exceptional, humans are merely acceptable, and sacred like every other being and facet of nature. Our shoes can reflect this perspective, but few of them now do.

A beautiful The Tenets of Easeness

The Tenets of Easeness

Five breezy pieces. Think of these as emergent mantras. In case of hurry, breathe and repeat.

A beautiful What If Business Weren't So Busy?

What If Business Weren't So Busy?

First, we can make business easier. Then we can stop making busyness altogether, and create easiness instead.

A beautiful About Easeness

About Easeness

As we breathe out what doesn't serve us, we can pause before the next inhale to untangle our roots.

A beautiful Contact Easeness

Contact Easeness

Earthlings, we come in peace to melt your minds.

A beautiful Strictly Busyness and the Steady Path to Easiness

Strictly Busyness and the Steady Path to Easiness

In our hearts, we know it's true, that work cannot be our purpose. But sometimes we're so busy we forget to remember.

A beautiful Why Do We Chase Deadlines?

Why Do We Chase Deadlines?

As we continue to exhale, slow down, relax, release, shed, expel, reexamine, reflect…

A beautiful The Three Legs of Easeness

The Three Legs of Easeness

Three legs provide stability. Easeness sits poised upon Consent, Play, and Bliss.